Thursday, March 24, 2011


An estimated 75 percent of North Americans are chronically dehydrated and fail to drink the minimum amount of water the6y need per day!

The old adage of 8 glasses a day is no longer true. Rather, think about how much you weigh and divide that number in half. That's how many ounces of water you should drink per day!For instance, a person who is 200 pounds, should drink 100 oz. of water per day to be adequately hydrated. (That's 12.5 glasses of water!)
An athlete with a high level of muscle mass should drink even more, about two-thirds of their body weight in ounces per day. If you live in higher altitudes like I do currently, it may take more then that ratio to compensate for "altitude sickness", so I recommend the two thirds ratio as a guide. I met a college student recently, who moved to a higher elevation to attend college and he said he drank three times more water to function then he did at his home elevation state. Remember, you can dehydrate quicker at higher altitudes as well!

Thirst isn't always a reliable gauge of the body's need for water, especially in children and older adults.Drink frequently throughout the day. To test, stick out you arm and slightly pinch your skin with your fingers and lift. If you see what the medical profession called "tenting", you are dehydrated. Your skin should be tight enough not to tent and spring back. Your urine should be clear, not amber or bright yellow Some supplements, such as Vit B, medications and food that can discolor your urine. .

Drinking enough water is age defying as well. Not only does it hydrate and sooth your internal organs, but it smooths out wrinkles to make you more youthful looking, rather then shallow with dark circles. And you do not smoke right? Right! Smoking and drinking alcohol dehydrates your body and your body doesn't assimilate the much needed nutrients from your food!

Not all fluids are created equal

Many people believe all liquids supply adequate hydration or don't like to drink water so thinking they are compensating, yes, will drink other products. Yes, there are some people do not like water, more about that later.
Some beverages tend to dehydrate because of their caffeine and sugar content. Caffeine has a diuretic effect on the body, which makes you urinate more frequently than you usually need to–very counter-productive to proper hydration. Drinks such as coffee, milk and juice all require water from the body to be properly digested. Alcohol and some medications can lead to increased fluid loss as well. I don't advocate the use of the very popular energy and sports drinks, many contain ingredients that can counteract with medications, or casuse an allergy. A GREAT isotonic beverage is unsweetened coconut juice. Great for after exercising, surgeries, or just a refreshing addition to your nutritional program. Great for digestion. Watch the natural sugar intake as it is usually 10 grams of sugar in it. (divide grams of sugar by four to know how many teaspoons of sugar you are ingesting. It is always better to eat frutose with the fiber)

Mild to moderate dehydration symptoms include

Dry, sticky mouth
Sleepiness or tiredness — children are likely to be less active than usual
Decreased urine output — no wet diapers for three hours for infants and eight hours or more without urination for older children and teens
Few or no tears when crying
Mood changes
Dry skin
Dizziness or lightheadedness
Muscle and joint pain
Distracted thoughts

Keeping your body hydrated can actually elimate these problems if dehydration is the reason. A woman reported some of these very symptoms to me and when I suggested she drink more water, she looked at me with disbelief and said, "It can't be THAT simple! Oh, yes, but it can be!

Severe dehydration, a medical emergency, can cause:

Extreme thirst
Extreme fussiness or sleepiness in infants and children; irritability and confusion in adults
Very dry mouth, skin and mucous membranes
Lack of sweating
Little or no urination — any urine that is produced will be dark yellow or amber
Sunken eyes
Shriveled and dry skin that lacks elasticity and doesn't "bounce back" when pinched "tenting"
In infants, sunken fontanels — the soft spots on the top of a baby's head
Low blood pressure
Rapid heartbeat
Rapid breathing
No tears when crying
In the most serious cases, delirium or unconsciousness

When to see a doctor

If you're a healthy adult, you can usually treat mild to moderate dehydration by drinking more water.

Get immediate medical care if you develop severe signs and symptoms such as extreme thirst, a lack of urination, shriveled skin, dizziness and confusion.

Now... what about hypnosis and drinking water?

Healthy Helpful Hypnosis is a perfect modality to assist you in drinking more water, enjoying drinking water and help to eliminate cravings for harmful drinks such as soda, and to eliminate poor nutritional habits while encouraging you to make better choices toward making decisions for a healthier lifestyle. Hypnosis makes life so much easier. Why struggle to lose weight, stop smoking, or other changes you want to make, when it is so much easier to use hypnosis and be hypnotized by me?

Contact me at, find me on facebook, and be sure to follow me on twitter!


copywrite March 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Affirmation for Change, Abundance and Rebirthing


What I have written here is called an affirmative prayer, which concentrates on the positivity and declaration that what you desire is already manifested. Countless times you have heard that our thoughts make our reality..and it is so!

That is why hypnosis is so vital. It is a method of tapping into our intuition, or the higher self mind if you will. Hypnosis is a perfectly nature and scientifically proven modality to assist you, medically, emotionally, energically (spiritually).

Our body listens to our words and follows direction, so it is important to monitor and reteach yourself how to speak in a positive manner. The universal energy is neutral. It responses to our deepest thoughts, desires and intents.

Have you wondered sometimes, that while saying affirmative statements time and again not achieving your desires results? Think on this for a moment. You write out your desire, repeat it endlessly until it may even become a mantra, but in between those times, negativity seeps through....perhaps out of habit. Example. You declare: I am abundant! Then you may say, "Oh, I don't have any money to buy that." "I can't afford ____." Another, "I want a relationship", then you may say something like, "Men (women) don't treat me nice, they are stupid...have no clue...etc.", see what I mean? You negate what you are declaring for your good and canceling out the energy of your intent. The universe was created to support you in any way that you need. Yes, really! So, monitor your thoughts for the next three days and catch yourself when you say something contrary to your desire. You may be surprised.

We each have the innate ability to heal ourselves in mind, body and spirit. We just have to guide ourselves back to our original state. That is what I do. I like to call myself a facilitator of the subconscious mind, guiding and redirecting you through your conscious mind to help to eliminate negative thoughts, belief systems, trauma...etc., that hinder your progress to live a life worth living, to fully express yourself through happiness to be a fully realized human being. Read that again...A life worth living, to fully express yourself through happiness, to be a fully realized human being. This is NOW, not some philosophy that promises this in the future..your future is now.

Read this daily or as often during the day as you can, develop the habit of positive thinking which translates into positive living. You deserve it. You are worth it. You really are magnificent!

You may copy this and use this as a daily affirmation. A gift. Feel free to revise some of the words that fits you better, I use spirit, perhaps you have another word for the energy of the universe.

I ask that if you use it anywhere that you do include my name, etc.



Today is the day that all things happen for my highest good

Right now, the universe is over flowing with abundant blessings directed specifically for me.

The right people, circumstances and everything I need is coming my way because I believe it and declare it with the passion of my deepest desire.

As I move forward in knowing that I am a unique spark in the universal consciousness,

My life is transforming, pushing forward, birthing, propelling in concert with the natural forces that I am harnessing, the energies of the moment.

I release my word into the law of attraction and call it done.

It is as I say that it is.

I am Peace in every step

I am Relaxed, feeling very comfortable in my body.

I am Moving with the Flow of The Force

I am enjoying the pleasures of friendships, family and colleagues

I am absolutely joyful in every thing I do

I receive and accept with grace all good things.

I am content and fulfilled.

I am enjoying everything I do with peace and harmony

I am the music and the song of life and laughter

I am Self Assured

I am Clarity of Mind

I am Love in Action

I am Blessed with each and every breath

I am Gratitude

I am that I am.

Spirit is all there is. Spirit is my total source of supply.

Divine consciousness is in every place and every place,

there is no where Divine Consciousness is not.

Every cell, atom, microcosmic star dust within and around me dances

with healing on every level.

I am, whole, healthy and complete.

© Pamela "JADE" Scott


February 2, 1011

JADE is a Registered Nurse, Master Hypnotist, RN Health Coach and Life Coach, You can contact her via or through Face book, HYPNOJADE JADE Scott. Available to travel for high profile clients, to speak at your event or to conduct workshops.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Post Op Dental Surgery~Combating Infection~Using HYPNOSIS

Just two days post op from dental surgery with bone grafts, I woke up with my face more swollen then the day before with my mouth bleeding. I immediately went to get my oregano infused oil to cleanse my mouth and do a process called "oil pulling".
Oil pulling? Say what????

Oil pulling, I found out, is an "ancient" Ayruvedic Method of cleansing the mouth. Bacteria in the mouth is attracted to oil. So,I make and use an infusion that I use for gum care. I started with coconut oil, but went to olive oil, since I love to make infusions.
Oregano is bactericidal with antispasmodic qualities that help to synergize its wonderful antiseptic powers This is used often for natural treatment of allergies, asthma, bronchitis, candidiasis, colds, cold sores, diarrhea, the flu, gastritis, psoriasis, sinusitis and dozens of others. I am currently using oil of oregano capsules for digestion and prophylactically for candidia (since my doctor refuses to test for it).

To use it for gum care on a regular basis, it pulls out bacteria, and "tarter" also breaks down. When I first tried this a few months ago, I felt like I just got my teeth cleaned like I do when I go to the dental hygienist! My business associate, Dr, Hugh Cole, of Healthy, Helpful Hypnosis, told me his experience with chronic mouth infections being cleared up dramatically with no further return, so I started this myself. Shortly after, I met a woman who worked in the supplement department of a well known national "health food store", who was having the same issues and fearful she would loose her teeth. I suggested two things, my mantra question, "What is your Vit D level? FIND OUT!.. and using this method. She was only doing it for a week, when she went to her dental hygienist who asked her what she was doing differently, when she told her she was doing this oil pulling she said, "Ok..never heard of it, but keep doing it because your gums are looking great! She was ecstatic with hope and promised to continue, as well as following through with what her vit D level was and monitoring that.

So, the post op surgical instructions I given were, swish and spit warm salt water. Why, because the concept is that the salt pulls out the debris in and around the site...however, bacteria is more attracted to oil. So, my first thought was to oil pull. Besides, using the salt water didn't seem to have a noticeable effect. BUT, the oil pulling was immediate! Bleeding stopped, swelling down with refreshing clean mouth. Wow! Oh by the way, after you cleanse your mouth, the oil becomes hazardous material, so don't spit in the sink, spit in the commode! Try this daily, even once out of curiosity see the changes in your dental hygiene! The oregano is refreshing. And yes, you DO get used to having oil in your mouth.

You can purchase Oil of Oregano and put it in your oil, or make your own which is cheaper and makes me feel a bit of the herbal witch to make my own. To make this "cold infusion" as a "swish and spit". I put dried organic oregano leaves in a small jar, pour olive oil and let the oil and oregano merge for several days. The longer it sits, the stronger the oregano flavor. After a week, I strain the oil and discard the leaves.

The KISSnotist

HYPNOSIS and Dental Procedures:
Did you know that hypnosis can help in every area of dental and surgical procedures? You can eliminate any phobia surrounding these issues, such as fear of needles, the dentist, past traumas associated with dental and other health procedures, the sounds and smells associated with the procedure, conversations overheard by the dentist or staff,or de-sensitize to use less medication, manage and control pain like symptoms, and even have no feelings whatsoever about any of those experiences! HEALTHY, HELPFUL HYPNOSIS is a safe and easy way to take complete control of your life and circumstances to achieve anything you desire, and everyone wants that type of control!
Contact JADE at her email address of
Follow JADE on Twitter
or on Facebook

Saturday, April 3, 2010

SLEEP: How to Get a Good NightzZzZz Sleep!

Sleep seems to have become a “complicated” human behavior. There are many variables and opinions as to what a good night’s sleep is, what constitutes a good night’s sleep, and the factors involved in sleep deprivation and restoration. This article is written for the person who is experiencing sleep deprivation due to poor sleep hygiene, improper food intake with possible nutritional deficits, and /or ineffective individual coping strategies.

As an RN who practices the therapeutic art of hypnosis, my emphasis is on the valuable utilization of my highly skilled techniques in medical issues with hypnotherapy. It is my firm belief and experience that hypnosis is a safe, life sustaining, life enhancing modality, under the facilitation of a good hypnotherapist, that can bring permanent change in an individual’s life.

An estimated fifty to seventy million, or 25% of Americans are struggling from sleep deprivation that causes such disruption in their lives as to severely affect their relationships, their coping abilities, strategic thinking and compromise their ability to function at work resulting in loss of employment. Without restorative sleep it can cause immune systems to falter, opening up to physical disorders and disease.

Unconstructive behavior patterns increase the risk of sleep deprivation, such as staying up too late playing mindless computer games, bringing work home , or over indulgence in food and alcohol. In addition to life stressors, general anxieties, the inability to let go, or pushing oneself beyond healthy means, it is vital to your well being to learn to delegate, prioritize, make lists, cut back and eliminate. The goal here is to retrain your behaviors and your body to return to balance the mind, body and spirit.

Thinking and recycling negative ideas about sleep can fuel anxiety to perpetuate lack of sleep. For example, change a thought such as, “I dread going to bed because I can’t sleep”, to “I enjoy going to bed because I always get a great night’s sleep”. You are starting over with healthy behavior patterns, so be gentle on yourself but firm and consistent.

Sleep hygiene management

1. Time management is crucial in maintaining balance within your life. Start to slow down your activities a couple of hours before bed. Delegate chores with other family members, let go of the idea you have to do everything, or simply put off some things until the next day.

2. Go to bed each time every night when possible, no matter what. If you are married or with a live in partner that you sleep with, and if you need to talk about something, do it two hours before bedtime, not in the bed. Make time to talk! Do not go to bed angry at partner or anyone else. The energy of displeasure, anger or irritation is not only in YOUR body, but it is also picked up by the one you are sleeping with, so neither of you can fully relax. Write down your grievances if you can’t seem to let it go, leave it on the paper for tomorrow.

3. Turn off the TV, computer, telephone, or other stimuli before bed, although some soft music can be helpful for some, some music is too uplifting and stimulating. No caffeinated products such as chocolate, tea, coffee. Too much food before bed i.e. sugar or heavy carbohydrates will keep digestive system up, however, light snacks can help combat hypoglycemic tendencies, better choices such as turkey, milk, bananas, yogurt and nuts has l-tryptophan, an essential amino acid that calms you down to make you sleepy.

4. Diminished lighting…follow the sun’s movement…light decreases the natural melatonin in the body that is released to induce sleepiness. Too much light tricks your body into believing it is still day time.

5. Drink less water in the night to decrease sleep interruption by getting up to go to the bathroom. If you do get up, do not turn on the lights or walk around, go directly back to bed. If you are urinating a lot during the night, ask yourself, are you are drinking too much or is this a symptom of an underlying a medical condition? Don’t fret about it, just get it checked out with your heath care provider.

6. Warm baths with Epsom salts or essential oils. The warm water will help to relax your mind and sooth your body. Lavender is a good choice to help promote sleep and relaxation. Try placing lavender flowers by your bed, in pillows, sachets, etc. Do not read something heavy in bed…while light reading may help some, it could be distracting and just cause you to think more.

7. Let go of belief systems around sleep that can produce anxiety. Often times, people are afraid they are not going to get to sleep or have enough. Do not watch the clock. Turn the clock away from your vision to refrain from looking at the clock. You can teach yourself not to look at the clock, that way you will not be counting how many hours you have left before you have to get up. If it is a lighted digital clock, cover it with a cloth to hide the light.

7. Remember that the bed is for sleep and sex. And when you get enough sleep, you will want to have more sex, won’t you? Statistics show that couples who had sex one hour before sleeping, slept better during the night. Yet, according to a recent 2010 study released from the National Sleep Foundation, about one in every four Americans married or living with a significant other, say they are so sleep deprived that they are often too tired to have sex!

Other factors to consider for better sleep:

Comfort: Making an investment in a good mattress is investing in your quality of sleep and overall health. Do not think that you can just get any mattress, do your research on which might be the best bed for you. A good mattress will last you a long time. Examples are the sleep number bed, foam egg crate, and pillow top. Do not skimp on getting the best linens possible, it really makes a difference. Consider the hypoallergenic materials that are readily available. Make sure you buy the best pillows for the support of your neck, knees, legs, back and feet. While pain can be a huge factor in the quality and comfort of sleep, owning a good bed is paramount in assisting with comfort and decreasing the pain threshold.

Countless studies show that people who often pray, meditate or engage in a mindful practice sleep better and have overall better health and longevity. Healthy, helpful hypnosis can bring back homeostasis in the mind, body and spirit of an individual.

While now sleep is considered a disorder in of itself, often times many sleep issues can be resolved through proper and focused nutrition, vitamin supplementation for certain deficiencies. For example, low vitamin D can cause the disruption of your body’s natural circadian rhythm sleep cycles. Such methodologies as acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, massage, or my personal all time favorite, healthy, helpful HYPNOSIS, is extremely beneficial for creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Pamela "JADE" Scott, RN

Copyright © April 3, 2010

JADE is a nationally published Independent Writer, a Registered Nurse and Hypnotherapist.
You may contact her at

Monday, March 29, 2010


Medical Hypnosis:

While I have been conducting research over the past year regarding a specific class of drugs and the role of the FDA and drug companies regarding these drugs, I found interesting information about marketing tools using chemicals in food, water and their affects on our bodies.
I am currently watching the movie Equilibrium, starring actor Christian Bale. The theme of this movie is a government that controls the population with medication so they don't "feel". Not taking the medication and "feeling" is subject to execution.
So, while drugs are fresh on my mind, I wanted to bring to your attention that not only over the counter medications, but dangerous life threatening and addicting prescribed medications are being dumped in our water supply.
Just about everyone I know has one time or another, thrown out old or used prescribed medications down the sink or flushed them down the toilet. You probably have too. Now we have local agencies that come to your home to pick up these drugs and "safely" discard these "hazardous materials" (contact your local agency to arrange a pick up).
Why does this matter?
Because thousands of people continue to do this and it is documented by our local and national government that these medications are plentiful in the water system at levels that are considered dangerous.
What are the dangers of this? Short and long term. Plenty.
All these drugs have major side effects to include increases in anxiety, insomnia, depression, to include hopelessness, suicidal ideations/or suicide and other complaints that will affect every organ in our bodies...long range these drugs can essentially chemically alter our DNA.
So, while we are drinking our daily 8 glasses a day (you are aren't you?) we are ingesting mood and chemical altering drugs.
What can you do?
1-Evaluate your need for medications. Research. Know what to do to balance yourself, your body and what you need to ingest to regulate as nature intended. Each body is different and responds differently, know your body. You do have choices, know what they are and make an informed decision as to what you put into it.
2-Stop throwing medications and other hazard materials in our water supply. Call your local agency that deals with hazardous material. Even throwing them in the garbage, think about rain drainage, your plants and wildlife and how they will be affected. We are in a circles of life. What affects one living thing affects another. Think. Be aware of our environment and your role in it.
3-Bottled water vs filtered water. Find out about the bottled water you drink and the varieties of filters available which best suits your needs. Think "green" as well.

In the U.S., bottled water and tap water are regulated by two different agencies; the FDA regulates bottled water and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates tap water (also referred to as municipal water or public drinking water). However, the federal government has not set safety limits for drugs in drinking water.
You can find out online if your municipal water has been tested in your community or not.
(See March 2008 U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Report:

Here are several types of water.

Artesian Water
Water from a well tapping a confined aquifer in which the water level standards at some height above the top of the aquifer.

Mineral Water
Water containing not less than 250 ppm total dissolved solids that originates from a geologically and physically protected underground water source. Mineral water is characterized by constant levels and relative proportions of minerals and trace elements at the source. No minerals may be added to mineral water.

Purified Water
Water that is produced by distillation, deionization, reverse osmosis or other suitable processes and that meets the definition of "purified water" in the U.S. Pharmacopeia, 23d Revision, Jan. 1, 1995. As appropriate, also may be called "demineralized water," "deionized water," "distilled water," and "reverse osmosis water."

Sparkling Bottled Water
Water that, after treatment and possible replacement of carbon dioxide, contains the same amount of carbon dioxide that it had at emergence from the source.

Spring Water
Water derived from an underground formation from which water flows naturally to the surface of the earth at an identified location. Spring water may be collected at the spring or through a bore hole tapping the underground formation feeding the spring, but there are additional requirements for use of a bore hole.

4-Be informed and involved. Be an advocate for yourself, your neighborhood, your local and national government. You have a voice, use it. You are one person who can make a difference.


"JADE" Pamela Scott, RN, CHT
Copyright 11/2009©

is a Nationally published Independent Writer, a Registered Nurse and Hypnotherapist.

Mindfulness, healthy lifestyle, medical information, hypnosis, hypnotic tranformation, medical intervention, meditation.